Student journalists report from across the country

Terry Bryant - June 30, 2022
By Chandler McCoy Teenagers and young adults in America cannot get enough sleep, and most say they are well aware of too many hours awake. Sleep deprivation has become a [ … ]

Terry Bryant - June 29, 2022
By Ellery Snyderman The National Student Leadership conference (NSLC) earns between $2,716,000 and $2,956,000 per nine day session at American University (AU). Student tuition is between $3395 and $3695 per [ … ]

Terry Bryant - June 29, 2022
By Mackenzie Pitsko College students say higher prices are causing them added stress. Increased student loans and housing prices force college students to work more to pay for their education. [ … ]

Terry Bryant - June 29, 2022
By Taylor Thompson Today’s college student’s living on-campus are proven to be more fit by just walking around campus and can increase their overall health. Physical fitness depends on several [ … ]